Egg growth and development leading to ovulation of one or multiple eggs is the basis for fertility treatments — it all starts with the egg! In order to enhance this process, medications may be prescribed to assist in providing a more efficient process or possibly to allow for multiple eggs to develop in order to increase chances of conception. Cycles utilizing oral or injectable medications often require ultrasound monitoring to determine appropriateness of dosing and response as well as determining timing of ovulation. Medications can be utilized in cycles where couples elect to time intercourse appropriately at home or in conjunction with intrauterine inseminations (IUIs) in the clinic.
Oral medications alter the body’s perception of estrogen, through one of several mechanisms, which in turn signals the pituitary gland in the brain to produce FSH, thus helping a follicle to grow and release an egg. Sometimes, this process allows for multiple follicles to grow and thus release multiple eggs. In general, pregnancies resulting from cycles utilizing oral medications carry a 10% chance of multiples (i.e. twins).