RMCRM offers a variety of services for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility ranging from “lower technology” or more natural options increasing to assisted reproductive technologies in our state-of-the-art IVF Laboratory. Dr. Bachus is also a skilled surgeon and successfully performs many challenging microsurgical procedures such as tubal reversal surgery. With numerous treatment options readily available to the patient, our focus is to provide individualized, personal care based on each patient’s or couple’s unique situation.
Your initial visit in the clinic is an exchange of information between provider and patient. You share information regarding personal, partner, and family health history along with any reproductive testing and treatments performed to date. We share testing and treatment options we see feasible based upon your clinical situation. Your initial appointment is so important to establish a relationship between patient and provider, and we strongly encourage your partner to be present at this visit as well. Often, an initial visit will include intake and discussion of health conditions, review of medications, and description of initial testing with a nurse practitioner followed by discussion and potential ultrasound with a physician.
Treatment plan appointments are scheduled as needed to convey testing results to a couple as well as discuss treatment options. A consult of this nature may occur after initial testing is completed or if treatment cycles are proving ineffective. It Is especially important when we review the findings of the testing performed and discuss your treatment plan options that both partners be present. This allows for a more full understanding of current conditions based on testing results and available treatment options so that couples can then make best decisions as to how to move forward.
Should a couple complete cycle(s) of one treatment of choice and results are different than expected, it may be recommended by clinical staff or desired by the patient to schedule a consult to discuss cycle history to date and options for moving forward in a more aggressive manner. The next step may be ovulatory stimulation combined with intrauterine inseminations or In vitro fertilization, or diagnostic laparoscopy. In vitro fertilization is infrequently the first and only choice unless serious male factor, tubal factor or age issues exist.